Archive for 2007/04


The reason Imus lost his gig was not because he did something illegal, but because he offended advertisers.  Oh sure, one could say he offended listeners too, but how many of those ranting and raving about his language listened to his show to BEGIN WITH? Bottom line, Imus has fans.  And now those fans are […]

What We Know

Hip-hop will not come back. Hip-hop was of a time and place that no longer exists.  Built on a foundation of truth about the inner city, it resonated with blacks and whites because of its truth.  But it was blown up by nineties society.  When we were all in it together, when the hip merged […]

The Sopranos

What kind of crazy fucked up world do we live in where a TV show is better than any mainstream music released this year? Music used to be cutting edge, music used to touch your soul, you used to look to music to help you understand yourself, point the way.  Now you’re better off watching […]

Did The Net Kill Hip-Hop?

We were living in a hip-hop nation.  What happened? The Internet. Hip-hop evolved into a marketing juggernaut.  The sound of the people made by performers who would endorse any product, tie in with anybody willing to pay them.  And the marketers paid them.  And the mainstream media covered the shenanigans.  And then suddenly nobody wanted […]