Archive for 2007/02

This Week’s Sales-Week Ending 2/11/07

1. Fall Out Boy "Infinity On High" Sales this week: 259,674Debut Don’t be impressed, despite this seemingly high number, and the 235,687 albums Norah Jones moved last week, sales were STILL off from the previous year.  A whopping 22.4% from a year earlier’s totals.  Yes, you see we had hit albums in 2006 too. As […]

Show Tony The Love

Richard told me Tony had his liver removed.  But that he sent him a note and Tony told him he was just fine. His LIVER?  That’s a serious organ.  You need that one.  I mean you can get a transplant, but isn’t there a waiting list?  How could Tony say he was fine? Well, maybe […]

And The Cradle Will Rock…

I don’t fire up the big stereo much anymore. Maybe the music got small, maybe I love the easy access on my computer, but the acquisition of a killer stereo used to be the primary goal of an adolescent male. It came before the girlfriend, never mind the automobile and the house. You used to […]

The Dixie Chicks?

What kind of crazy fucked up world do we live in where "Not Ready To Make Nice" wins Record Of The Year?  What next, Harry Reid elected PRESIDENT? Speaking of politics, NARAS has insured at least a decade of bashing by the Republicans as a result of the Chick trifecta.  You’d think they’d vote for […]