Archive for 2007/02


What kind of crazy fucked-up world do we live in where two competitors spend each other to death, dragging their stocks down, to the point where the FCC has no recourse but to allow them to merge. At least Sirius knew it was about content.  The XM’ers had some fancy idea that the word "satellite" […]

One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

My friend Kate’s favorite act is X. Although Kate is partial to Joni Mitchell, it’s the harder stuff that gets to her, that has her shaking her booty, that has her losing control. On the surface her life looks serene. She lives in Pacific Palisades, she’s got a seventeen year old daughter and she owns […]

Greetings From Vancouver

The most frightening episode of our trip to Whistler occurred at the top of the Harmony Express, way above treeline, at Whistler’s peak. You couldn’t see a fucking thing. It’s what’s commonly known as a whiteout.  Where the sky blends with the snow.  And there’s no vegetation, no trees to provide a point of reference.  […]


HISTORY The Major Labels I really thought they were going to survive.  But they’ve fumbled the future again and again.  They sued their customers, they put FBI warnings on their products, what are they, a branch of the GOVERNMENT? You’re in business with your customers.  And the major labels have fucked their customers again and […]