Archive for 2006/06

Crazy _____

Where do I BEGIN?? So I’m driving down Fairfax Sunday night, listening to the Boneyard, and the riff starts to sound pretty good.  I look down at the readout and see it’s BUCKCHERRY! I HATE Buckcherry.  It’s that lead singer with all the tattoos, never wearing a shirt.  But this riff, I’m digging it.  And […]

Wave Rave

They were performing skateboard tricks I’d seen on ESPN but didn’t know the name of in the driveway right next to our table inside Slocum’s. Waiting for Felice at the bottom of Broadway Express, I started counting snowboarders and skiers.  It looked to me like skiing was making a comeback, but when I stopped my […]

Basis For A Day

We lived for "Whipping Post".  The version that took up the entire fourth side of "Fillmore East".  It was a ritual.  At the end of a long day the band from Georgia and a little smoke would calm us down. The previous spring, only insiders, the cognoscenti, were aware of "Idlewild South".  Suddenly, the double […]

S50 & Inno

Steve Jobs doesn’t have to worry.  His iPod near-monopoly is not on the verge of being threatened.  Quite the contrary, the more inane products that are released by so-called competitors, the brighter the shine on the Apple, er, iPod. You’ve probably seen that Microsoft iPod faux commercial Microsoft iPod, but it’s not only about packaging, […]