Archive for 2006/04

XM Changes

I keep getting e-mail from disgruntled XM subscribers. That their favorite channel, #51, Music Lab, has bitten the dust. I’ll print one below. This is totally fucked up. The promise of satellite radio was to go deep, to provide something for EVERYONE! But the new regime at XM, the Infinity assholes, are turning XM into […]

Tony Brummel & Steve Jobs

Meet the new bossSame as the old boss Pete Townshend Record labels are only as good as the acts they record and release.  No executive ever sold a record at Best Buy, never mind a download at iTunes.  In this crazy fucked-up world we live in somehow the execs think THEY are the artists. Artistry […]


What about that "Sopranos" episode? I missed it when I was on the radio with Lisa Lampanelli, playing "Guess My Ethnicity" for free tickets to her show at the Canyon Club this Thursday, but when I got home from KLSX I fired it up. I’ve got to tell you.  I think they’re chewing the scenery […]

Lay Me Down

Inspiration always hits when you’re busy doing something else.  When you’re not paying attention.  When you need an excuse to divert you from the tedium. I’m busy packing for my trip to Vail.  At least I’m ATTEMPTING to pack for my trip to Vail.  And, while I’m running around my house, trying to get my […]