Archive for 2005/12

Year To Date Sales

198. "Jump Back: The Best of the Rolling Stones 1971-1993"Rolling StonesVirgin321,265 copies Whew, has anybody even HEARD of this record?  Remember when you used to know every album, every HITS album (yes, the very first one was "High Tide And Green Grass", I played "Last Time" a ZILLION times!)  Now they repackage this shit again […]

Track Of The Day

So I’m driving down 3rd Street talking to Eric about his Mac.  God, Apple might have only 4% market share, but everybody seems to be switching.  When I had tea with Lea this afternoon at Elixir there were three surfers.  Two PowerBooks and an iBook. And when our conversation was done, as traffic started to […]

Podcast #15-Physical Graffiti!!

Then as it was, then again it will be In February ’94, we all got together for Al’s fortieth birthday.  People I hadn’t seen in years.  Like Jimmy Kay.  Mini.  Guys I’d spent every day of my life with back in the spring of ’75, at Mammoth Mountain in California.  What stunned me was everybody […]

I’m Listening To

"Crest Of A Wave"Rory Gallagher So I’m driving down Bundy behind some asshole in a Pontiac on the cell phone.  If you can’t drive fast while talking, PULL OVER!  I actually beeped.  Twice.  That’s taking your life in your hand in L.A.  But this guy was so wrapped up in his conversation he didn’t bother […]