Archive for 2005/08


The destruction of the Warner Music Group is now complete. I guess we can blame Bob Morgado.  Drunk with unexercised power, he decided to flex his muscles.  To upset the delicate balance between east and west, between Atlantic and Warner Brothers. Is that why it worked?  Because the two companies were so far away from […]

Sheryl Crow Dell Commercial

This is why I don’t watch television.  It’s evidence of a culture so into fame and bucks that my values of honesty and integrity appear to be worthless chump change. Who do we blame for this?  Sheryl, Jimmy or Scooter? Can’t be Scooter.  He’s just not that sharp.  Can’t imagine Scooter even getting Michael Dell […]

Middle Of Nowhere

There must be something in the water in Canada. It’s the new ENGLAND!  Excuse me. Pardon for the break. I had to get up to close the window. So the See You Next Tuesday living next door doesn’t freak out when I turn this up to 11! This is what we’re looking for. Something we […]


What’s the aphorism?  The Iraq war is over and Iran won? We’ve been duped.  We’re in a war, a fruitless war, a losing war, a lost cause, worse than that a cause that is destabilizing a whole region making terrorism more likely, and the news media and the music business are just laying down. It’s […]