Archive for the 'Books' Category

Leaving This is not a book for those still at their first rodeo. But if you’re a boomer, or a Gen-X’er, and you can’t relate… Then you probably are not in touch with your inner life. Life doesn’t work out the way you expect it to. Even if you try and jump through the ordained […]

Victim It doesn’t mean anything unless it goes viral. So the question for the creator is whether to do what they want to or try and game the system. Actually, last night we finally watched “American Fiction,” which is all about this. But this screed is about a new book by Andrew Boryga, which has […]


From: Mindi Abair Subject: Re: OnlyFans This was a super thoughtful approach to modern marketing. The old school ways are not working. I haven’t hired a publicist for my last 3 albums. It doesn’t make any sense to. It all happens online and on stage. Your email today sparked multiple conversations throughout the last few […]

The Geddy Lee Book

“My Effin’ Life”: I don’t think I want to be a rock star anymore. This is not the typical rock autobiography. Yes, Geddy does delve into cocaine, but he’s married to his childhood sweetheart and if you’re looking for tales of debauchery, this is not the place. Then again, Geddy is Canadian. Most Americans […]