Archive for the 'Theatre' Category


Helpless – Spotify Helpless – YouTube Don’t email me with that self-righteous attitude telling me you thought this was about the Neil Young song. It’s not. But if you’re interested in the Prairie crooner check out his new cut “My Pledge,” it’s surprisingly good, but not as good as Gordon Lightfoot’s “Plans Of My Own,” […]


This is what artists do. They speak truth to power. They make people uncomfortable. And when there’s a reaction, they know they’ve done their job. Something musicians have failed to do, fearful of alienating a potential customer, a corporation that might sponsor their show. But the truth is the interests of corporations and artists are […]

New York City

Just like I pictured it. Does anybody get Stevie Wonder references anymore? I just saw a play, so whacked, that asked the same question about Steely Dan. The two characters were Becker and Fagen fanatics, they wondered if we knew the lyrics, anything beyond the band’s William S. Burroughs inspired name and song titles. Things […]


What kind of crazy fucked-up world do we live in where a Broadway musical exudes more creativity, honesty, intrigue and interest than any record on the chart? One in which “The Book Of Mormon” takes chances and your only artistic hope is to pursue your dreams and cast money worries aside. Nothing will prepare you […]