Archive for the 'The Media' Category

John Doe & Exene Cervenka-This Week’s Podcast

Of X.  

The New Sally Rooney Book

“Intermezzo”: Don’t run out and buy this book without reading the below! Sometimes people see a headline and they take that as a ringing endorsement. This is a little more complicated. In case you don’t know, Sally Rooney is the hot new Irish writer. Well, not so new anymore. Her first book came out […]

A Moth Music Story

Scroll down to “Fandom Subletter” and click on “Listen Now”: I’m burned out on politics. And I don’t think I’m the only one. They keep on talking about Trump and Harris, writing reams of copy, and I’m not sure any of it moves the needle. As a matter of fact, many people I know […]

Geezer Butler-This Week’s Podcast

Bassist for Black Sabbath!