Archive for the 'Books' Category

The God Of The Woods Ultimately this is a mystery, but it doesn’t read like one. First and foremost it is set in a summer camp. Where I spent some of my best years. And that’s why I started reading it, and on that note it worked, but “The God of the Woods” is so much more. Generally speaking […]

Long Island Compromise I didn’t realize Taffy Brodesser-Akner was writing the Great American Novel until about halfway through. Before that, I was reading in fits and starts. I thought it was an out of control comic novel, until I realized it was not. And then I was driven to finish it. You won’t have the same experience […]

Margo’s Got Money Troubles I couldn’t put this book down. And the problem is…if I tell you anything about the plot, it will ruin it. First and foremost it’s an easy read. Not “simple,” but “contemporary.” No airs. Rufi Thorpe does have an MFA, but from Virginia, she’s not a product of the Iowa Workshop, which Hannah in […]

Michael McDonald-This Week’s Podcast

He’s got a new autobiography, “What a Fool Believes.”