Archive for the 'Books' Category

The Mars Room I got addicted to this book. Which is kind of funny, I could never fathom Rachel Kushner before. I read her “Flamethrowers” and I’m not sure I even understood it. Oh, I got the big picture, but the little picture, the photographs inside the movie, it felt like reading “Ulysses,” albeit much shorter. I’m […]

David Gelles-This Week’s Podcast

“New York Times” reporter David Gelles is the author of the best-selling book about Jack Welch entitled “The Man Who Broke Capitalism.” In addition to going deep into the Chairman and CEO of General Electric, we discuss Boeing and the climate, Gelles’s beats too.

A Book And A Movie

THE LATECOMER This book is so good… That I don’t want to tell you a single thing about it. Now it’s fiction. So for those looking for instructions, the tome of a billionaire, this is not where you want to go. And if you’re looking for mystery, or macho, this is not a genre […]

Re-Chris Blackwell

Bob, I worked with Chris for almost 11 years. From 1989 to 2000.  He is a true legend, a true entrepreneur and truly loved by almost everyone who’s lives he touched. He was literally the James Bond of the music business. A style of doing business and dealing with artists that was simply unique.   Her […]