Archive for the 'Online' Category


“Turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes” “Changes” David Bowie The Beatles were dismissed as teenage tripe until “Yesterday” and “Michelle,” the backwards vocals of “Rain” and “Sgt. Pepper,” and the adoption of the act by Leonard Bernstein and others in the pantheon of artists respected by establishment. The Beatles wiped out everything that came before […]

Don’t React To The Snapshot

How much impact does Taylor Swift coming out for Harris have today? As a matter of fact, “The Washington Post” thinks Bad Bunny would have a bigger effect. “The pop star endorsement that could really sing the election? Bad Bunny. The Puerto Rican superstar has a huge voice and a ton of influence — especially […]

They’re Eating The Pets!

This is forever. You can’t manufacture virality. Remember “Gangnam Style”? People weren’t even interested in the follow-up video. Quick, name it! (It’s entitled “Gentleman,” and if you know that you’re entitled to automatic qualification for the next hobby horse nationals. Meanwhile, “Gentleman” does have 1.6 billion views on YouTube, but that does not mean its […]

Fallon Loses A Night

“NBC Pulls Back ‘Tonight Show’ to Four Nights Per Week”: Is this more about content or format? There is no appointment viewing, everything is on demand. And edge sells. But baby boomers inured to the old ways control media and they’d like you to believe otherwise. Fallon loses on both counts, content and format. […]