Archive for the 'Apple' Category

Spotify’s Share

Apple is under scrutiny for taking a huge slice of in-app purchases and the belief that it favors its own applications over others. This is a fight that has garnered headlines when it comes to gaming, i.e. the Epic Games (Fortnite) lawsuit, but the heavy lifting is being done by the Europeans. And thank god […]

Mrs. Maisel Release Strategy

You give the audience what it wants. You don’t put the shareholders first, you don’t create your business plan in a vacuum, winners take direction from what is in the heads of consumers, and if they’re really savvy, they get ahead of the public and give them what they don’t even know they want, i.e. […]

Today’s Fandom

Is not yesterday’s fandom. Every other day I have people attacking me for what I said about Taylor Swift’s performance at the Grammys over a decade ago. When I research further, I find that most of these people were barely born when this happened. But they need to defend their hero. But Taylor Swift was […]

Meta/Facebook Crash

Turns out buying your way into the future is a bad strategy. The biggest story this week for me was Facebook (I refuse to call it “Meta,” I’m on the fence with calling Google “Alphabet”) dropping out of the crypto game. Facebook wasn’t first. Facebook had infrastructure. But when confronted with the concept of Facebook […]