Archive for 2024/08

Midnight Rider

Is it forever? You’ve got to know the first Allman Brothers album was a stiff. Most people were completely unaware of it, but some purchased it after the band blew up as one half of “Beginnings,” which packaged the first two records together. But that first album is a monster, it’s got the original version […]


Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: I just saw this video today. But it was launched twelve days ago on Kamala Harris’s YouTube channel. But it’s also on Facebook and Stereogum and “Billboard”… But it was only when Jake texted this to me that I found out about it. Today your work is a time […]

The Nate Silver Book-1

“On the Edge – The Art of Risking Everything”: No one is going to read this. It’s the new “A Brief History of Time,” you know, the Steven Hawking book everybody bought in the eighties and then found out it was too dense to comprehend, never mind put in the time and effort to […]

C.B. Strike

Trailer: This series gets better and better. I’ve never read a complete sentence of “Harry Potter.” And although I knew J.K. Rowling wrote genre books under a pseudonym, the reason I watched this series was because it had great RottenTomatoes ratings, 83/93. And you know those exceed my threshold. Now “C.B. Strike,” or just […]