Archive for 2024/08


You gotta be rich. Actually, first we stopped in Harvey Nichols. All the men’s clothing is on the first floor, broken down by designer, and if I had 5 or 10k to spend I could change my entire look and be happy with it. But that ain’t gonna happen. At Harrods the women’s stuff is […]

More Non-Hit Favorites-SiriusXM This Week

Tune in Saturday August 31st to Faction Talk, channel 103, at 4 PM East, 1 PM West. If you miss the episode, you can hear it on demand on the SiriusXM app. Search: Lefsetz

A Walk In The Park

“A Walk in the Park: The True Story of a Spectacular Misadventure in the Grand Canyon”: This is an adventure book, but instead of going up, they go down, and across. I’ve been to the Grand Canyon twice. It’s amazingly beautiful, but what I felt most was fear, of falling off the edge. You’re […]

Death Of An Artist-Season 1 I had no idea “Anita de Monte Laughs Last” was based on a true story. Turns out minimalist Carl Andre pushed his artist wife Ana Mendieta out the window and got off and lived… Happily ever after? What you’ve got here is Helen Molesworth, a curator who lost her job at MOCA, telling the […]