Archive for 2024/04


This was the unexpected highlight of our trip. We came for last night’s concert, but going to the birthplace of Quinto Mancini? WOW! So according to Wikipedia, Scanno is a town on a lake, southeast of L’Aquila, but with a higher elevation, as a matter of fact it snowed there last night, and not just […]

Reaching Mass

You don’t do it through publicity, you do it through the work. In the old days, print publicity was the introduction, now there’s so much in the pipeline that even if it’s seen, it’s not acted upon, and that is the ultimate goal, consumption of the music, that’s where a career begins. You’re best getting […]

Paul Dean-This Week’s Podcast

Loverboy lead guitarist, key songwriter and co-producer.

Frampton At The Greek Last Saturday Night

Yes, quite the contrast to Coachella, then again back in the day the audience was not the show. Did you hear they referred to the desert confab as the “Influencer Olympics”? That’s how much the game has changed. The acts are secondary to the experience. The penumbra trumps the music…i.e. the food and lifestyle events […]