Archive for 2024/02

(I’ll Give You) Money-Live At Royal Albert Hall

Spotify: YouTube: It sounds straight off Humble Pie’s “Rockin’ the Fillmore,” but there are more guitars! I saw this album on Spotify a few months back. I thought it was an ancient recording, after all Peter Frampton still had hair on the cover, and he’s been bald for quite a while, he even […]


From: Harriet Sternberg Subject: Re: The Greatest Night In Pop Hello Bob: I am so pleased you watched our film. The song, the recording and now the documentary were a labor of love for all involved. The moments leading up to and including the night of the AMA’s were Ken Kragen, Harry Belafonte and Quincy’s vision […]

Bottlerock-This Week’s Podcast

Bottlerock is America’s most upscale major festival. Based in Napa, the food is not the usual institutional fare, but served by restaurants from the area, never mind the wine… I talk with the three principals about the cost and perks of the various levels of ticketing, and then we dive deep into the history and […]

The Normalization Of Insanity

It started in the eighties with trickle-down economics. If we just lowered taxes on the rich, the poor would get the benefit. We know how that worked out, rampant income inequality. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. And then the poor were blamed for their lack of capital, they were told to […]