Archive for 2024/01

Everything’s Inviolate

If I mention anything about Trump, I’m accused of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” from his acolytes. If I write anything about Taylor Swift, absolutely anything, I hear from her fans that I’m a hater. This is the America we now live in. Black and white. Or should I say red and blue. Everybody’s got a tribe, […]

Re-Killers Of The Flower Moon

I have to disagree on a point you made, “….great movies that take you on a ride, have you leaving your world behind to inhabit a new one, such that when you’re placed back in reality you’re stunned…”Killers of the Flower Moon” is not that.” Maybe that’s because you’re a man, and not a woman. […]


I’m stunned how much feedback I got about “Killers of the Flower Moon.” If I’d written about a record I would have gotten a fraction of the responses. It seems more people are familiar with Scorsese’s movie than the music of Taylor Swift. Yes, Taylor Swift, our national icon, America’s girlfriend/sweetheart. I’m sure you’re sick […]

Killers Of The Flower Moon

I’m glad I didn’t see this in a theatre. Because after two hours I would have been squirming, wondering if I could make it to the end without hightailing it for the bathroom. Although I did sit through the entire thing at home. Knowing the loo was just a few steps away, that I could […]