Archive for 2023/12

The Slate Skiing Article

“Epic Fail: How a Corporate Duopoly Ruined Skiing”: Skiing hasn’t been this cheap in decades! But that doesn’t stop old-schooler Gordon LaForge trashing the new model in a nostalgic play for days that in fact were much worse. Kinda like MAGA if you think about it (and if you castigate me for mentioning politics, […]

Consensus Hits

There were only 17 last year. That’s down from 28 in 2020. In other words, if you’re overwhelmed with new music, feel out of touch, think you don’t know what is going on, welcome to the club. Those statistics are from Guy Zapoleon in the article: “2023 Marked Fourth Year Of Worst Music Doldrums For […]

2023 Deaths-SiriusXM This Week

Tune in Saturday December 23rd to Faction Talk, channel 103, at 4 PM East, 1 PM West. If you miss the episode, you can hear it on demand on the SiriusXM app. Search: Lefsetz

The Golden Hour

If this was in English, it would be the talk of the town, one of, if not the biggest show of the holiday season. As it is, it’s number 5 on Netflix right now, and I recommend it. “The Golden Hour” is a Dutch show and you won’t know what is going on at first, […]