Archive for 2023/08

John Gosling

Spotify playlist: You probably don’t know who he is, or should I say was. I’m reading this terrible book about the Stones’ girlfriends, “Parachute Women.” The writer said Chris Jagger was Mick’s older brother. I winced, everybody knows Chris is the younger brother. Then again, the author Elizabeth Winder was born in 1980, long […]

Don’t Boast

If you’re telling me how great you are, how you did this or that, what you own, where you’ve been…my eyes start to roll into the back of my head. That’s how you tell someone is an amateur, if they don’t stop telling you how great they are. You’ll know this if you ever encounter […]

Grace Potter-This Week’s Podcast

Grace Potter has a new album, “Mother Road,” inspired by her cross-country drives during Covid. From Waitsfield to Topanga, we cover it all!

The Niche

“What Happens When a Pop Star Isn’t That Popular? – Pop’s middle class enjoys loyal online fan bases. For these artists, pop stardom isn’t a commercial category, but a sound, an aesthetic and an attitude.”: That’s a free link, and you should click on it. As for the Kesha/Dr. Luke story, if you don’t […]