Archive for 2023/06

Music Burgeons

The theatrical movie business is never going to recover. And we might need population growth to fill all those office buildings. But music? It keeps getting bigger and bigger. The movie business killed itself. This is what happens when you put bean counters in charge. Let’s see… Marketing expenses are so high, let’s make fewer […]

Gutfeld Beats The Tonight Show

“How Fox News (Yes, Fox News) Managed to Beat ‘The Tonight Show – Greg Gutfeld has installed his brand of insult conservatism as the institutional voice for the next generation of Fox News viewer. And it’s catching on.”: “‘Fallon? That guy fawns more than a herd of deer. And I heard Seth Meyers and […]

TikTok Marketing

I just got off the phone with Ahmed Nimale, CEO and Co-Founder of KYD Labs. Know him? I doubt it. And neither did I, until I hosted a panel about ticketing at Canadian Music Week. Ticketing. It’s a game few understand, and few want to understand. And ultimately this panel wasn’t about solving the ticketing […]

New West Summerfest I went to hear Alex Ligertwood sing “Winning.” I felt like I was on vacation. You take the 405 deep into the Valley, and then you go left onto the 118, so far that you end up in a different county. But pretty soon the landscape looks different, like in those westerns the boomers […]