Archive for 2022/07


He’s a DINO. As in “Democrat In Name Only.” This doesn’t happen in the Republican party. Go against the tribe and not only are you ostracized, YOU’RE PRIMARIED! The Democrats have to put the fear of God into Joe Manchin. Because this guy is holding up the entire Democratic agenda, which is putting the Democratic […]

Streetlife Serenader

Spotify playlist: 1 “Songs In the Attic” is my favorite Billy Joel album. I got on the Billy Joel train with “Glass Houses,” his “new wave” album. By this time Billy was an established quantity, a man with tracks on AM and FM, but that was not the case previously, especially nationally. You see […]

David Gelles-This Week’s Podcast

“New York Times” reporter David Gelles is the author of the best-selling book about Jack Welch entitled “The Man Who Broke Capitalism.” In addition to going deep into the Chairman and CEO of General Electric, we discuss Boeing and the climate, Gelles’s beats too.


There’s an enthusiasm crisis. As in there is none. No excitement, no defense, to a great degree an ostracization. How are you supposed to win hearts and minds this way? YOU CAN’T! From before he took office, the right has defined Biden as old, doddering and senile. And the left wing defense? NONEXISTENT! To the […]