Archive for 2021/12

Michael Nesmith

There was an obituary for Don Zimmermann in the “Los Angeles Times” today. Actually, it was a remembrance, as Don died a year ago, at 85. I started doing the math, how old was he when I worked at Sanctuary, when I went to his house in La Cañada for that party, with Ed Bicknell […]

Re-Red Oaks

When I discovered “Red Oaks” a few years ago I was late too and it came via a friend’s recommendation. I never saw it advertised or even heard of it. When I did get around to watching it I did what I hadn’t done since “Transparent” and binged it. So did everyone else I raved to […]


Chris Christie sold 2,289 copies of his book “Republican Rescue.” Now wait a second, this guy was EVERYWHERE! Does it really mean no one cares? I think so. But it gets worse…well, nothing could be worse, but… Billie Eilish sold 64,000 copies of her book, and Justin Timberlake’s “Hindsight” has sold 100,000 since its release […]

Dave Schools-This Week’s Podcast

Dave Schools is the bassist for Widespread Panic. We discuss the band, but we also cover the “Get Back” documentary and Dave’s personal life and… Dave is quite the raconteur, you will be entertained and edified!