Archive for 2021/03

Our Boys I cannot write anything about Israel without people emailing me about the Palestinians. But what they don’t understand is the outlook is different. The Palestinians won’t be happy until Israel doesn’t exist, whereas Israel has no desire to wipe the Palestinians completely off the map. But that does not mean the Israelis aren’t crazy. […]

Best Series On Netflix-In Order

Notes:  A. This is a first pass, the rankings are fluid.  B. Reviews do their best to reveal as few plot points as possible.  C. Foreign shows should be watched with subtitles. It’s easy to go into the settings and choose them. ______________________________________ 1. “Happy Valley” A British crime drama starring the inimitable Sarah Lancashire, […]

Book Report

1 When I was in fifth grade Mr. Luti had a metal box where you placed  your book reports. These were for pseudo credit. Kind of like when he asked everybody to tell him how much time they watched PBS. I didn’t watch it at all, but I said something like three and a half […]

More NFTs

It’s an inside job. And that’s been publicized by all the major media. But since the “New York Times” is a left wing rag that should be ignored and the “Wall Street Journal” is behind a paywall the hoi polloi have not realized this, and are still trying to scam a sale. It’s kind of […]