Archive for 2021/02

Legendary Acts That Never Had a Top Forty Hit-SiriusXM This Week

Tune in today, February 2nd, to Volume 106, 7 PM East, 4 PM West. Phone #: 844-6-VOLUME, 844-686-5863 Twitter: @lefsetz or @siriusxmvolume/#lefsetzlive Hear the episode live on SiriusXM VOLUME: If you miss the episode, you can hear it on demand on the SiriusXM app:

Re-Hilton Valentine

Well since I’ve been Steve Miller’s partner in harmony on and off for over 39 years, figure I’d weigh in on this one on the shirt tails of your comments here. Leslie and Steve were tight. They dug each other. The double cut Les Paul Special with the psychedelic mint green paint job Leslie had […]

The Kobalt Sale

It only took Sony two decades to wake up. Kobalt was built to be sold. Haven’t we seen this same paradigm over the last two decades in the internet sphere? Independents gain headway, needle the big ‘uns, and then sell out at a high price. And eventually, the big ‘uns get so big, they can’t […]