Archive for 2019/12


He doesn’t have enough name recognition. Welcome to the twenty first century, where you think your niche is national, but it’s not. My favorite example is SNL… Funny or not, who exactly watches that show anymore? Same deal with prime time network television. Advertisers go for the largest share of a shrinking market, but this […]

The Wall Street Journal Article

“Justice Department Preparing Legal Action Against Live Nation for Ticketing Practices-Live Nation allegedly sought to strong-arm concert venues into using its dominant Ticketmaster subsidiary” The only money is in the ticketing. Actually, this is not the most important music business story this week. Also from the WSJ: “Liberty Media Seeks to Increase Stake in iHeart […]

Boris Johnson’s Landslide Victory

Lyin’, cheatin’, hurtin’, that’s all you seem to do Your time is gonna come Your time is gonna come “Your Time Is Gonna Come” Led Zeppelin Or maybe it’s not. Turns out the people want strongmen. Officials who promise order. They want to give up power to those who know better, because they no longer […]

Mick Jones-This Week’s Podcast

That’s right, Mr. Foreigner, who also co-produced Van Halen’s “5150,” Billy Joel’s “Storm Front,” and more. Hear how Mick struck gold with French superstar Johnny Hallyday and then conspired to create the chart-topping rock band whose songs are indelibly imprinted upon our brains. iheart spotify apple stitcher