Archive for 2019/11


I’m not sure whether this works or not. Not quite a year ago, before the circus began, I said that if Bloomberg ran, he’d win. But he didn’t, run that is. That surprised me, since you don’t become a billionaire, certainly on Wall Street, without an ego. Didn’t he have the law changed so he […]

Richard Griffiths-This Week’s Podcast

An agent, a publisher, a label majordomo and now a manager, not only has Richard Griffiths worn all the hats, he’s a seer when it comes to careers. Richard and his partner Harry Magee and their firm Modest! Management were honored with the 2019 Music Industry Trusts Award on November 4th in London. Modest! has […]

Lee Abrams On Radio (and more…)

THE BIG TEN Radio is in an undeniable position of strength in terms of accessibly, but as a fan of the medium, it has the potential for long term extinction in its current form. Overly dramatic maybe, but there are a lot of red flags that need to be addressed: 1. MERGERS, WALL STREET, THE […]

Ken West

He was inspired by Christo. Like I said, I’m working hard for the money. Which is cool, since Felice is not here, it’s good to be occupied, but I’m wondering whether it should have been labeled the “Bob Lefsetz Festival” instead of “Australian Music Week.” I quoted them a price, my standard overseas fee, but […]