Archive for 2019/11

Warren Defends Swift

  Unfortunately, @TaylorSwift13 is one of many whose work has been threatened by a private equity firm. They're gobbling up more and more of our economy, costing jobs and crushing entire industries. It's time to rein in private equity firms—and I've got a plan for that. — Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) November 16, 2019 I […]

Black Crowes At The Troubadour

That’s rock and roll. You know it when you see it, when you feel it, when you hear it. Now I know why Chris Robinson gets all the girls. In regular life, he’s just a skinny, geeky guy. But when the music starts… If you lived through the pre-internet era, you know what I’m talking […]

The Swift Situation

Rerecords always fail. They just don’t capture the magic of the original. Def Leppard tried this while they were hashing out streaming rights with Universal and…if you were a fan, they were unsatisfying. Kinda like a star who gets plastic surgery…they never look as good as they did before, at best they just look different. […]

Alan Hamel-This Week’s Podcast

Canadian late night TV host, producer, husband of Suzanne Somers and her career guru, Hamel has been there and done that and has great stories, he holds back nothing! iheart apple spotify stitcher