Archive for 2019/09

The JBL L100s

I thought the tweeter was broken. When I got the Thiels I retired them. The foam had long ago fallen off the scrims, along with the logos, I wondered whether to fix them or to toss them. Then again, they’d probably cost as much to fix as to buy new ones. But when I moved, […]

Mindhunter Season 2

It’s no “Spiral.” Thursday we finished season six of the French TV series. That’s 64 episodes, but who’s counting? It started with “A French Village.” That was 72 episodes. Bob Bookman recommended it. There were seven seasons, but now it’s finished. The war is over. We had to pay for MHz in order to see […]

The Climate Strike

It’s already off the front page. Literally. Check your apps, the NYT, the WaPo, you won’t find it. That’s how fast the news cycle is today. Speaking of the news cycle, did you read the “Guardian”‘s article “Pop’s need for speed: ‘You have to drop new stuff constantly’”? Taylor Swift’s new album is a stiff, […]

Black Keys Ticket “Fiasco”

“Why the Black Keys shut out hundreds of fans, causing chaos at the Wiltern” This is the best thing that ever happened to Safetix. Now most people know. Technology solves problems. It enables a step forward. But something is always lost in this transition. For years, the touring industry discussed “paperless” tickets. Now, everybody going […]