Archive for 2018/11

Election Update

Maybe it’s not about the horse race but the underpinnings, maybe it’s not about whether the Democrats failed to take over the Senate as much as who got elected. Like Kyrsten Sinema. An atheist bisexual from the land of Goldwater. My, how Arizona has changed. My, how the PUBLIC has changed. With two years to […]


Junk I’m working my way through the new “White Album.” Unlike Dylan’s “More Blood, More Tracks,” you don’t have to pony up for the CDs to get all the tracks, and who has a CD player anymore anyway? Both my computers don’t have one, then again, these packages are for collectors, kinda like vinyl, which […]

Brand Trumps Music

Trump has taken this all the way to the Presidency. Ever notice that what he said yesterday doesn’t matter today? Actually, lying is part of his brand, that’s why we all pay attention! Used to be music developed. Over time. You took baby steps. Tried to get notice, tried to build a fan base. But […]

Desert Island Discs-Sirius This Week

Tune in tomorrow, Tuesday November 13, on Volume 106, 7 PM East, 4 PM West. Phone #: 844-6-VOLUME, 844-686-5863 Twitter: @siriusxmvolume/#lefsetzlive Hear the episode live on SiriusXM VOLUME: HearLefsetzLive If you miss the episode, you can hear it on demand on the SiriusXM app: LefsetzLive