Archive for 2018/04


I made a mistake at Rite-Aid. I bought three ESCs instead of three WRWs. “What are you talking about?” I could be the last person on earth still wearing hard contact lenses. I know, I know, I should have gotten with the program and had my eyes done, gone under the knife, but the problem […]

You’re Missing The Point!!

My inbox is filling up with people who don’t like Three Days Grace’s “The Mountain.” I DON’T CARE! THAT WAS NOT WHY I WROTE ABOUT IT! I was making a business point, but these writers are too invested in their own opinions to see the forest for the trees, it’s why despite believing they know […]

The Mountain

The Mountain – Spotify The Mountain – YouTube If this was 1985 this would be all over MTV, a Top Ten record. As it is, it’s number one in the radio backwater known as Active Rock. Now we’ve heard forever there’s no more artist development, but what do we say about Three Days Grace topping […]

Better Call Saul

Sometimes things don’t work out. I can’t watch TV once a week anymore. Can’t make an appointment, can’t set the DVR, can’t even fast-forward through the commercials. I know, I know, there are some great shows on network and cable, but I don’t watch them, they don’t fit my schedule, which is overbooked, but there […]