Archive for 2018/03

Chris Zarou-This Week’s Podcast

With his soccer career stalled, Chris Zarou decided to comb Soundcloud, that’s where he found Logic, a guy living in a basement who was going to give it one more try. Chris took the Megabus to go see his future client. Mixtapes were released. A deal was signed with IDJ, but with no product released. […]

Russ Solomon/Tower Records

It was about the store on Sunset. When you came to L.A., you went to the Whisky, the Troubadour, the Roxy and… Tower Records. It was on Sunset, in the era when there were billboards for albums. And on the outside of the nondescript building were paintings of albums. This was where music lived. And […]

Distribution Rules

Distribution is king, now more than ever. Meet the new gatekeeper, same as the old gatekeeper, only different. If you want to get your message out, you must do it on a social network. I.e. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter. Tumblr’s a moribund also-ran and Pinterest has hit a ceiling and is no longer a […]

The Oscars

No one in Hollywood seems to have read “The Innovator’s Dilemma.” That’s right, we’ve been at the mercy of digital disruption for two decades, but the movie industry believes through sheer force of will it can adhere to the past and drag the public along with it. But it don’t really happen that way at […]