Archive for 2017/09

The Mighty

The Mighty Apple should have made this. Oh, that’s right, they once did, they called it the iPOD SHUFFLE! Price and convenience, those are the keys today, along with usability. Next week Apple is going to announce new phones, they’re going to be close to a thousand bucks. That’s why I buy AppleCare, I don’t […]

The New Sam Smith Album

Is there room for Sam Smith in a hip-hop dominated world? OF COURSE THERE IS! Streaming won, but the early adopters were young rappers, and presently most other genres are excluded from the top lists. But that’s about to change. And if we’re waiting for the oldsters to move the needle, we’re gonna die first. […]

I never do this, but…

I’m pissed off. I know this is the fourth missive today, I know that’s too much, I know some people are gonna unsubscribe without even getting this far, sick and tired of having their inbox overloaded, but hell… WHY ARE PEOPLE SO STUPID! My inbox is filling up with people saying they hate Rachel Maddow, […]

The Rachel Maddow Paradigm

She could be the biggest rock star in America today. Bigger than Beyonce? You bet. Bigger than Taylor Swift? Yup. But what Taylor does right, when she’s in marketing mode, is to constantly stay in the public eye. But it’s all promotion with very little content. It’s about spreading the word about the records she’s […]