Archive for 2017/05

Navigating Modern Life

You will always feel left out, left behind, out of it. Everybody is cool in their own way. The old concept of coolness was based on scarcity. In a limited universe we look inward, in an unlimited one we look outward. Posting is not belonging, just a facsimile thereof. Everybody is a star. When there […]

More 13 Reasons Why

I finished the tapes. Now it’s your turn. I can’t believe I dedicated 13 hours to a TV show. Sure, my mother was always telling us to turn off the damn box, to go outside and play, it was literally illegal to watch during the day, hell, she placed the damn set where there was […]


My inbox went quiet. Are we in a constitutional crisis, is it the end of the world as we know it, or is it business as usual? I DON’T KNOW! The internet is de rigueur. Everybody’s got a smartphone. Technologically we’re up to date, but emotionally we haven’t digested the change. Twenty-odd years ago we […]

The Oliver Paradigm

Me, me, ME! That’s the mantra of the musician. I’m a nobody on the way to somewhere. I’m big but not big enough. I’m a superstar and I’ve got a new release and you’ve got to HELP ME! Like me, share my post, listen on Spotify, subjugate your own interests on behalf of mine. But […]