Archive for 2017/04

Music Media Summit

It won’t be long before another day We gonna have a good time And no one’s gonna take that time away You can stay as long as you like “You Can Close Your Eyes” James Taylor You should have been there. Not because I want your money, not because I want to build FOMO, but […]

Spotify Premium Exclusives

It’s not gonna work. The music business is a race to the bottom. A scummy cesspool wherein rules are made to be broken and fealty is paid to money but the true currency is fans and attention. He or she who restricts access pays the price. And those who don’t scoop up the proceeds. We’ve […]


CREDIBILITY Say what you mean and do not lie. Stand for something. Be trustworthy. It is the antidote to the duplicity pervading our society. Have only one face, not two. Do what’s right in your heart, not what right’s for your pocketbook. Be a paragon of honesty that others can point to and believe in. […]

Finally, A Protest Song

Max Martin decided to give back. After dominating the airwaves for two decades with ear candy sans meaning he thought it was time to turn a corner, to go for the brass ring, to emerge from the slum and become not only an icon, but a legend. Therefore, he hooked up with Bob Dylan. No […]