Archive for 2017/01

Bruce Springsteen On WTF

WTF Episode-773 Bruce Springsteen He’s so screwed up! But so are you. This could be the rock and roll moment of the year, equivalent to Bob Dylan’s speech at MusiCares back in 2015. Because rock and roll is a spirit, based on alienation, wherein if you speak your truth you believe it will set you […]

Navigating The Modern World

1. No one is hip. When someone makes fun of you for not knowing something, laugh it off. The truth is in today’s overwhelming society no one can know everything. No one can see every movie, no one can see every TV show, no one can listen to every record. Used to be professionals would […]

Apple Doesn’t Hear The Echo

Alexa is my music concierge of choice. I just tell her what to play and she does. How did Apple squander first mover advantage? It was there earliest, with Siri, but I never use it, it’s too inaccurate, but Alexa gets it right almost all of the time. That could be perception. But what is […]

Megyn Kelly To NBC

You just can’t treat someone that badly. Forget Roger Ailes‘s harassment, station star Bill O’Reilly said she should eat it, report infractions to human resources, take one for the team. But no one ever went to human resources, they were afraid, it was a toxic environment, and the truth is women don’t want to work […]