Archive for 2016/09

Here’s To The Farmer

Here’s To The Farmer – Spotify I discovered this on Release Radar. Once again, this is PERSONALIZED! I say that because I got e-mail asking me to send last week’s to a reader, he forgot to save it, which I find pretty hysterical, not only that he thought we all have the same songs but […]

You Don’t Win In Court

YouTube is a transitional product. You’d think the music business would learn. That if you don’t like today’s business model, just wait for tomorrow’s. You’re gonna get another bite at the apple, the game is to acquire knowledge and enter the future with an agenda. Which is how the major labels ended up controlling streaming […]

The Nix

The Nix: A novel This book is fantastic. The Kindle rekindled my interest in reading books. Before that I was purely a magazine guy, I needed the immediacy, the truth, books were a backwater I’d abandoned way back when. And now readers have their knickers in a twist. That’s exactly the point. These holier-than-thou supposed […]

Narcos-Season 2

Someone always thinks the rules don’t apply to them. That’s the hardest part of being a leader, keeping everybody in line. You think you want to run a large organization, that manpower is appealing, as is the money raised when your company goes public, but I’m of the one man band variety, I want to […]