Archive for 2016/02

Coldplay At The Super Bowl

And the winner of the night? HONDA! For offering free Uber rides home, at least in SoCal, where I was watching. You make the most of an opportunity. The advertisements were so busy being clever that they missed their target. You want to make us believe in your product and want to use and buy […]

Music Moguls

Music Moguls: Masters of Pop – Money Makers – BBC Documentary 2016 This makes me feel inadequate. It makes me realize I’m not a businessman. Because a businessman puts the money first, and will do whatever it takes to not only generate revenue, but put as much as possible into his own pocket. It also […]

Bernie Sanders

What kind of crazy, fucked-up world do we live in where a 74 year old white-haired Jew from Vermont resonates with the millennial generation more than any entertainer? One in which when the game is rigged an outspoken leader says the rules must be changed instead of preaching false hope. My radar tells me it’s […]

More Life Lessons

You are the star of your own movie, it’s as important as that of the billionaire and the celebrity, just don’t expect anybody else to watch it or care about it. Social media is where you connect and share with your friends, if you’re doing it to brag and establish a career, you’re doing it […]