Archive for 2015/11


People stopped sharing. “34% of Facebook users updated their status, and 37% shared their own photos, down from 50% and 59%, respectively, in the same period a year earlier.” Facebook Prods Users to Share a Bit More Or as Michael Wolf put it in his monster WSJ slide show… “Messaging will blow past social networks […]


Don’t cancel on me. Unless your mother died or you got in a car accident, show up, live up to your commitments, otherwise I know I’m just not that important to you, and that’s fine, but why did you reach out to me in the first place? Happens all the time. Always with someone higher […]

Walk The Moon At The Greek

Were the eighties special, or did they just feel that way because I was there? I went to the Greek last Thursday because it was the last Nederlander night. From now on, it’s an open building. Will the city make more money or less? Well, there are a lot of shows that will no longer […]

Changing The Water Filter

As you will remember, the handyman committed suicide. And his memory is sticking with me, but it’s astounding how life moves on, how the big wheels keep on turnin’, if you’re thinking of checking out, don’t, you’re gonna miss so much. Not that any of it’s important. That’s what you learn as life goes on, […]