Archive for 2015/08

Trump Rules

1. Money changes everything. If Donald Trump were poor, he’d have no traction. He gets attention, and in many cases a pass, because he’s a billionaire. That’s the nation we live in, one in which the rich have the power and the poor believe the loaded are better than they are. Or, that they too […]

Utterly Hysterical!

From: Kirk Turner Re: Want To Want Me Hey Bob! Just thought it was interesting that you wrote posts about Luke Bryan and Jason Derulo separately this weekend and now they are singing a duet together using a karaoke app. IT’S LIKE YOU PREDICTED THE FUTURE. Here’s the duet on Smule’s website: Here it […]

Huntin’, Fishin’ And Lovin’ Every Day

I’m gonna get to Jason Isbell. The track is “Speed Trap Town.” What I hate about the media is they focus on the work track, the one the label promotes that it believes will appeal to the most, mostly those who do not care, whereas “Speed Trap Town” is a quiet, intimate song you’ll never […]

11 Million Subs

How come no one is calling Apple Music a disaster? Forget the usability issues, all the industry hype about Beats 1. The truth is the public just doesn’t care. In case you missed the memo, Eddy Cue told “USA Today” that 11 million people signed up for an Apple Music subscription. Talk to Twitter, registered […]