Archive for 2015/08

Rhinofy-Speed Trap Town

They say we should listen to “24 Frames,” but if you do so you’ll get an appreciation of Jason Isbell equivalent to the one of Ryan Adams if you listen to “New York, New York.” That’s right, they were both in bands that didn’t work out for them and went solo and suddenly got acclaim, […]


I spoke at the METal meeting. METal International Don’t worry, I hadn’t heard of it either. But its majordomo implored me to come and my shrink was on vacation so I decided to get up early and appear. It was the opposite of the music business. The music business is populated by uneducated hustlers, people […]

Playing Up A Storm

Bob- Jeff Stevens here, I thought I’d “part the curtain” and give you a look inside :)   When you said “The advantage of being Nashville’s biggest star is you get to play with the biggest and best players.” I knew I had to reply. My son Jody Stevens and I worked in studios on this […]

What We Know

No one can know all the records, but god forbid you admit this, you’re pilloried by the self-anointed cognoscenti who believe they’re single-handedly carrying the torch of credibility and without them music would die. Ubiquity died in 2013. Everybody knew “Get Lucky,” “Blurred Lines” and “Royals.” Today a star is someone who appeals to few […]