Archive for 2015/06

Apple Music

Botched launch. Terminal? Probably not, but we expect so much of Apple. We had to listen to Jimmy and Drake testify, but no one focused on usability, no one told us how it actually worked, that would have been a better use of WWDC time, instead we got smoke and mirrors about a “revolutionary” product, […]

Re-Beats 1

Beats 1   From: Mike Caren If Beats 1 were to work at the highest level, there would be a playlist the next day of everything every radio show played in the streaming service (sans commentary). The shows would essentially be the introduction to playlists with additional context. They would make a way for radio […]

Rhinofy-Top Ten-Week Ending June 26, 1965

1. “Mr. Tambourine Man” The Byrds Folk rock. A new sound with the old melody and lyrics of folk married to rock guitars, a hybrid that snuck up on the Brits and caught them unawares. You’ve got no idea what a revelation it was to hear this sound on the radio, just ask Tom Petty! […]

Beats 1

MTV died when videos became an on demand item online. What makes Apple believe the future of music consumption is radio? I’d like Beats 1 to be successful. It would be great to add a bit of coherence to the music scene, to have international tastemakers leading us to the best stuff. But I don’t […]