Archive for 2014/05

The Prayer Decision

I said the Lord’s Prayer. One of the great disillusionments of my adulthood is the rejection of sixties values. Oh, you remember the sixties, wherein the younger generation questioned everything “the establishment” stood for and we ended up with women’s rights, abortion and “Sgt. Pepper,” and some people are still pissed about it. “Question authority.” […]

Getting Older

I don’t know who the people in “People” are and I don’t care. I used to, I used to pride myself on being a pop culture expert, but there became so much of it that you couldn’t keep up and then I got so old I realized it wasn’t worth keeping up, that almost nobody […]

Rhinofy-Rod Stewart Primer

Forget the old guy with the challenged voice singing standards and marrying women half his age. Once upon a time, Rod Stewart was a god, our most riveting live performer, if you ever saw him with the Faces, you’ll never forget it. But I’m getting ahead of myself… SHAPES OF THINGS Forget the Yardbirds take, […]


The music business died with Live Aid. We can debate when it was born, whether it was with Bill Haley, Little Richard or the Beatles, but it was truly done after that July day in 1985, which was a victory lap Woodstock could only dream of. This wasn’t just 400,000 on Max Yasgur’s farm, the […]