Archive for 2014/02

Art, Not Business

A businessman plays by the rules, an artist breaks them. A businessman puts money first, an artist sees money as a byproduct. A businessman has a plan, an artist flies by the seat of his pants. A businessman is looking to sell out, an artist is looking to continue, forever. A businessman is all about […]

House of Cards

Don’t block my way as I’m climbing the greased pole. Did you read the story about Wendi Deng in “Vanity Fair”? Wherein it states that Rupert Murdoch divorced her because she slept with Tony Blair and Eric Schmidt? You know Tony, the titan with the six-pack. But Schmidt? The goofy guy with the bad complexion […]

Rhinofy-King Of The Road

And then there are the songs you hate when they’re hits… That you absolutely LOVE decades later. Like Roger Miller’s “King Of The Road.” We already knew him from “Dang Me,” which seemed like an extension of the Down Under hit “Tie Me Kangaroo Down,” we knew he was someone in the country world, but […]

Roger Goodell’s Pay

What kind of crazy fucked up world do we live in where the head of a nonprofit makes $44.2 million a year? One in which a VC states that only those who pay taxes get to vote, and he who pays more gets more votes! Huh? I grew up in a middle class suburb. A […]