Archive for 2014/01

Rhinofy-And The Cradle Will Rock…

It’s my favorite Van Halen song. Once upon a time, I had a free subscription to AOL when you had to pay by the hour. As a result, I checked out every nook and cranny of the service, from the chat rooms to the dating boards. And after lurking for a while, I decided to […]


It’s much harder to lose a customer than make one. All this hogwash about treating people nice is irrelevant compared to the difficulty of getting someone to try your product in the first place. Case in point, that miserable piece of doody known as AT&T Wireless. Oh, I can hear you now! The service is […]

The Noise Cycle

Is Beyonce’s album already done? Looks like it. Hopefully Sony will be able to eke out a few hit singles, but the publicity burst is over and we’re ready for the next thing. Springsteen’s album is teed up. I give it until February 1st to be gone. How did this happen? How did the world […]