Archive for 2013/11

Gaga On Stern

Howard’s the new buzz. Used to be you did Stern last, Gaga was smart enough to do Stern first. Yes, yesterday, the day her new album was released, Lady Gaga appeared on Howard Stern’s SiriusXM radio show to talk and play, and the Internet and mainstream media are abuzz about it. Howard may be unavailable […]


McGuinness could never break another hit act. That’s the mark of a great manager, the ability to do it more than once. One of the best managers most people have never heard of? Gary Borman. He built Faith Hill, Lady Antebellum and Keith Urban, and knows it’s who’s onstage who counts, not the genius behind […]


Live by the hit, die by the hit. Phil Solem told me people had no idea how much work it took to have a hit record. With a long history of less than successful projects between them, Phil Solem and Danny Wilde reunited in the latter’s garage on the wrong side of the hill to […]

Hate Your Label, Not Spotify

Once upon a time recording was profitable. And then MTV came along and with the advent of the new carrier medium known as the CD, revenues soared. Artists bitched that they were receiving half their royalties as the labels invested in this new format, but that got nowhere, the CD made not only the companies […]