Archive for 2013/10

Has Kim Killed Kanye’s Kareer?

In other words, is she Kanye’s Yoko Ono? At first I was offended by the baseball stadium proposal. But once the video leaked online I understood the genius of it, it was all a fake promotional stunt, made to burnish the Kardashian brand. But is it working for Kanye? Kim is a phony airhead who […]

Fountain Of Sorrow

While I was in Amsterdam, the days got shorter in L.A. I know it’s the way of the world, the shortest day of the year is only two months away, but it’s still a surprise, it still catches me off guard, especially in SoCal, when you leave the house for dinner and it’s dark and […]

Get Out Of My Life Woman

What kind of crazy fucked up world do we live in where a Billy Gibbons throwaway track is more memorable than the complete album ZZ Top did with Rick Rubin? One in which music has ceased being spontaneous and is over-written, over-rehearsed and over-managed to death. Feel the GROOVE! And listen to Billy’s guitar work. […]


TIM COOK Is a bad lead singer. The Doors could never replace Jim Morrison and Queen could never find a singer to step in for Freddie Mercury. Talent and skill are important, but never forget charisma, that indefinable element that draws us to you. Not only did Jobs know the product presentations were a show, […]