Archive for 2013/09

Time Warner Cable

I hate writing them a check every month. All I really want is super high speed Internet and a modicum of TV channels. Since I never watch the boob tube anyway, other than Bill Maher and an occasional other HBO program. I used to get every single channel offered, believing since I was in the […]


FOLLOWERS Finish college. LEADERS Drop out. FOLLOWERS Obey the rules. LEADERS Question authority. FOLLOWERS Believe it’s about accolades. LEADERS Believe it’s about relationships. FOLLOWERS Need external validation. LEADERS Have self-confidence. FOLLOWERS Have a backup plan. LEADERS Have no safety net. FOLLOWERS Will not take no for an answer. Since they’re playing the game, they believe […]


Classic rock is dead. Not only are the children of the baby boomers pushing thirty, in some cases exceeding that threshold, there’s a whole new generation of barely pubescent children who have never experienced free-form radio and sitting in front of the stereo listening to full length albums. And nothing angers the children of the […]

Apple’s Mistake

It should have started a subscription streaming service sooner. Once upon a time, Apple was the beacon in the consumer’s eye. Not only did it possess a leader more charismatic than any rock star, it positively dominated complete swaths of consumer culture. It had the iPod, the iTunes Store, the iPhone and the iPad. But […]