Archive for 2013/05

Rhinofy-It Might Be You

Monica said she just recorded it in Spanish. What was the name of the track again? “Maybe It’s You.” Don’t know it. But then twenty minutes later it came up again, and this time I heard it correctly, she sang IT MIGHT BE YOU! It took just that long for the synapses to fire, to […]

Jazz Fest-Day Two

There was this chick from Belgrade who positively wailed! Yes, I said “chick,” get over it, that’s what the girls say, it’s not a pejorative. And she was in a slinky red dress and was squeezing out the notes like a modern day Van Halen and with her horn section and backup singers she had […]

Jazz Fest

Rubber boots. They should put that on the website, print it on the tickets, that’s the one thing you need more than your appetite and your ears at Jazz Fest, RUBBER BOOTS! Come on, you’ve seen the Woodstock movie, heard its album, with the chant of “No Rain! No Rain!” Well I’ve been living in […]

Re: The Album

On this album thing….. Yes its a dead format (especially on the CD) but I would like to think that it is possible to release viable collections of songs and not just the chart single thing which to my mind is just as marginalised as the album. We live in a cultural desert. There has […]